Random Title


Friday, December 17, 2010

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Ansel Adam

I really like this Ansel Adam picture called "Birds on a Beach" because starting on the bottom right, you can see the texture in the sand leading you to the birds. Also, behind the birds, there's a lot of definition on the sand before the sun reflects off the water washing up on the beach. And even behind that, the textures of the ocean is really cool. Why I like this picture because there are a lot of curves and shadows on the little sand cliffs before your eyes get to the birds.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Shutter Speed and Aperture

 Aperture 2
 Aperture 3

 Fast Shutter
 Fast Shutter 2
 Fast Shutter 3
 Slow Shutter
 Slow Shutter 2

Friday, October 15, 2010

Mountain Panorama

I like how the snow is a white and then a dark blue showing the shadow of another mountain behind the photographer. Also the mountains in the distance is pretty cool to because it has the same effect of the shadow of the cloud being farther away.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Panoramic Clouds

     I like this panoramic picture of clouds because clouds move constantly and it's hard to take three pictures of a moving target with the three meshing together to show no flaws.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Ted The Ambitous Amphibian

Hi! My name is Ted Frog, and I'm from the Frog Family. I'm a secret government agent in sector 7. I was sent to NHS as my first assignment. My assignment is to spy on students and stop any evil doing. Just recently, my eyes have been taken out and replaced with cameras. Now, the principle can use my eyes to see what's happening in the Commons. When school is in session, I have to stay in this spot up high. It does tend to get a little boring though, so I have to keep myself entertained. I keep myself entertained by playing pranks on bullies. Playing pranks isn't nice, but bullies deserve it. I do this with my hidden talent. My hidden talent is that I have Telekinetic Powers. In other words, I can manipulate things with my mind. My favorite pass time is to use my abilities to explore the school. I can move tables and chairs and put them together to make a physical body. I roam about and create secret hideouts within the school. So far, I've made around 812 hideouts. My ambition is to get promoted to the elite squad. My dad is in the elite squad and he's away on an assignment at PSU. When I make it to the elite squad, I will become the best sector 7 has ever seen! But now, I just have to live with this assignment and protect the students at NHS. And also stop evil doing at any means necessary.

Favorite Funky Faces

Friday, October 1, 2010

Compositon Favorites



 Filling the Frame


 Point of View

 Rule of Thirds